Week 3: The Shaking
1. The Shaking
The early Christians were Nazarenes—the nobodies—but they were powerful men and women of prayer. When the religious system persecuted them, they prayed. When the authorities imprisoned them, they prayed. They never gave up. God shook the foundations of the prison, broke their chains, and released them.
We might be ordinary people, but if we keep praying, we will see God shake heaven and earth for us. Let’s declare a shaking in South Africa.
Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. All at once there was such a violent earthquake that it shook the prison’s foundations. The doors flew open and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:25-26 (CEB)
2. Pray Like Nobody Can
Do you see yourself as just a number, and think, “what can I do?” Or do you believe what the Bible says in 1 John 4:4? [Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4 (ESV)]
What are the situations in South Africa, and the world, that God needs to shake? Take time to write them down and pray over them.
PRAY: Lord Jesus, we declare a shaking in South Africa. We speak Your light and life over this nation. Let darkness flee, as You break every chain. Amen
3. Power Up
We can never think God cannot use us, or that we are too insignificant to make a difference. If we have mouths, we can pray. When we are in prayer, we connect with God, and He stands by our side. That means we’re not nobodies, we’re God’s children.
We have the power to speak God’s order over South Africa. That’s why it so powerful to pray the scriptures.
Jesus told his disciples a story about how they should keep on praying and never give up. Luke 18:1 (CEV)
4. #Pray4SA
Set time aside and pray for God’s supernatural intervention in South Africa.
Power Up
God is calling us back to the House of Prayer. The only way South Africa will see God's supernatural intervention is through prayer. Keep praying, standing, and don’t quit. It’s time to POWER UP!
Then the smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up to God from the hand of the angel. After this, the angel filled the incense container with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth. Thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the earth shook. Revelation 8:4-5 (CEV)