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1 July 2022

~ Benjamin Ardé

​Founding Pastor at Arc® & #Pray4SA™

“Weights are falling off.

Weights are falling off.

Burdens are being removed.

Yokes are being destroyed.


As My anointing is being released into your home, as My anointing is being released right now, receive, receive, receive, receive, receive, receive the joy.

Receive the liberty.

My hand is being laid upon thee.

My hand shall give thee favor.

My hand shall bring release.

My hand of power.

My hand of might.

My hand of deliverance that releases sight.

My impartation for godly and Kingdom strategy is given unto thee, and thy shalt not look back but forward. And as you press into the Lord, surely thy shalt see a lifting of the burden and a lightening of the load as peace and joy fills the atmosphere of your environment.


Many shall be given visions and dreams.

Many shall be given a new boldness.

Many shall be given a boldness to proclaim.

Many have had an intimidation in their mouths, and the enemy has silenced thee.

The enemy has trapped many with the cares of this world and the cares of this life, and some are sitting with the regrets of bad decisions that have been made, but I, the Lord thy God, shall right the wrongs. Place your life in My hands. Some have made foolish decisions full of pride, full of strife.”


And the Lord would say, “If you would repent, I will restore. If you would repent, I will bring and restore and bring you to a wholeness, and you will see My glory, and you will see My power, and you will see My authority. And I am blowing in, and I am releasing My wind that shall blow out that which is not from My Spirit. The spirits of strife and division shall go in your home,” in Jesus’ mighty name.


“The enemy has had many in complaining.

The enemy has had many in frustration, had many others in discouragement.

But it’s being removed off of you now, as your eyes and your spirit is upon Me.”


Glory to God.

Glory to God.

Glory to God.

Glory to God.

Glory to God.

Glory to God.

Glory to God.


“Yes, as you give glory unto Me, as you praise Me, as you exalt Me, as you exalt Me, so shall you begin to see a new vision given unto thee.


And some would say, ‘I have sown, and I have given, and I have shown myself faithful. I have given in my tears. But when is my reward?’


O, shall the reward not come from the Lord? Is He not a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him? But is He not also a rewarder of those that have sacrificially sown? So, shall I not provide for thee? There are some that are even aged and old, and you say, ‘I am at the end of my life, but I feel like I have been robbed.’ O, shall I not provide for thee? O, shall I not make a way for thee?


And a new prayer anointing shall come upon many in this hour. For the enemy has come with weights and heaviness to bog you down with things around about, but they are coming off,” says the Lord, “and a freedom and a rejoicing, again as I said, shall come into your atmosphere.”


Praise God.

Praise God.

Praise God.

Let it be in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Thank You, Lord.


“There are changes in nations going on. There are things that are changing in the Middle East, and things are going to move very quickly in the Middle East,” says the Lord. “There are new alignments that are coming.” And the Lord says, “It is of My Spirit that I am doing.



For the plans of darkness shall be thwarted. There is a sinister agenda that is at work that I shall break the back of,” says the Lord.

“And watch.

And watch.

And watch.

For I am turning many of the hearts of the leaders around, and there shall be an openness more towards Me, and a calling more towards Me,” says God.


“I am opening the heavens in nations of the Middle East, in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia, in Syria, in Jordan, in Dubai, in Qatar. I am doing a work,” says the Lord, “and walls that have been built up in the nations of the old Ottoman Empire shall fall,” says the Lord, “for My Gospel’s sake.”


“And even in the Asian countries,” says the Lord, “there have been those that have labored and labored and labored and labored, and they shall begin to see a great thrust and an impetus of My Holy Spirit, but there shall be a rise in persecution in the Asian nations,” where the Lord says, “I shall be with My saints supernaturally, and I shall strengthen them in the fight, and they shall experience great miracles, signs and wonders, and protection,” says the Lord, “as they are in prayer and sensitive to My Spirit, but there is a change and a shifting towards persecution.” The Lord says, “Fret not the persecution for that is just merely an attitude, but I shall break their walls of defenses,” says God, “as you continue in prayer for these nations,” says God.


“Many have but almost given up on Japan. Shall the Lord move? Yes, He shall. He shall move with tongues of fire. It has been said. It has been done. Others have been labored, but the reward shall come. The seed is in the ground, and it shall come,” says the Lord.


“For as Korea has been moving in those nations,” says God, “so shall it even have an effect,” says God.


“The enemy is planning for a great war in the natural in the nations, but I am going to thwart it. I am going to put it to naught,” says God.


“Keep praying, My saints.

Keep praying, My people, and you shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. You shall see the goodness of the Lord, and you shall see I shall grant thee more time.


There are things that I am going to do in the nation of South Africa where I shall give it over,” says God, “for a time, but I will look after My saints, for there are areas where I shall allow My judgment to flow for the wicked. There are many things that have been going on that no one would know, but I see,” says the Lord, “and I shall work and allow things to take place,” says God.

“But fear not.

Fear not.

Fear not in the midst of this, My saints.

As you stay under My Blood, surely I shall protect, and I shall deliver. But there are those that I shall also hand over,” says God.


And I am doing a work in the Church in South Africa. And many, many, many, many are fighting in the flesh, but they shall see that their door shall close, for this is coming,” says God. “For there is a great war even against the Church in this nation for a season that shall be very short-lived, but it shall manifest. But those that have My power shall move through unscathed,” says the Lord.


We give You praise.

We give You praise.

We give You praise.

We give You praise.

We give You praise.

We give You praise.


“So, yes, for the saints, it is a time of preparation.

It is a time of separation, and it is a time of incubation for the manifestation that is to come.”


1 July 2022

~ Benjamin Ardé

​Founding Pastor at Arc® & #Pray4SA™


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